Kirsten Frantzich, PhD


Kirsten Frantzich, PhD

Psychotherapy for the creatively inclined


Welcome to my personal therapy site. I am happy to meet you here and know that something is drawing you to the possibilities of therapy, a process in which two people collaborate on behalf of the understanding, fulfillment, and flourishing of one.

On Being Human…


This can be the hard stuff and it is Also the necessary stuff. Vulnerability just is, there is really no way to escape it. In the words of the poet David Whyte, “To run from vulnerability is to run from the essence of our nature.” Vulnerability allows us to feel connected and alive. It deeply and avoidably invites us into our human-ness. It’s the Royal Road to intimacy with ourselves and others. It is not for the faint of heart. How do you carry your vulnerability? How do you respond to it?


Life can be disillusioning. We may wonder what more could possibly happen to derail our forward movement, to push us past the brink of what we believe we can handle, disrupt the clear vision we had. As the old adage says, “the one thing we can count on is change.” Change cannot be avoided. It is something we each have the possibility to move – not over or under or around but – THROUGH. An invaluable bit of wisdom was shared with me by a vital, productive 100 year old individual I work with. His 100 years has given him the gift of a birds eye view (not pun intended): Trust your life. “Every obstacle moved me toward the possibility of an unforeseen opportunity.” Let’s work together to move through and toward your own yet-to-be known possibilities.


The late mythologist Joseph Campbell captures [my] imagination with his words, “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive. . . ”
Although meaning, too, is invaluable, what is life without aliveness? Working together we will venture into your individual experiences of aliveness, the ways aliveness may have eluded you, and ways we might open ourselves to more of it; those experiences that arrest, animate, arouse, embolden energize, stir and move us, awaken our potential and, undeniably, our possibility.


Our society is all about DOING. Staying busy, over-extended, agreeing to long hours, work life imbalance where familial and professional exhaustion are considered badges of accomplishment. Personal sacrifice is sainted. How did we get here and how do we, as individuals, gain awareness, challenge the stats quo? In what ways might we create a new way of being where we really are being, slowing, experiencing, more available, present and connected? Join me as together we awaken our Doing.

Areas of therapeutic interest include but are not limited to: 

Transition/Anxiety/Depression/Trauma/Sexual issues/Relational difficulties/Personal insights and growth/Spiritual and existential considerations/End of life questions/Challenges unique to artistic life

About the Work

encounters with the natural world

interpersonal, somatic, experiential, and mindfulness therapies

Interested in learning more about me?