Kirsten Frantzich, PhD

The Work

“Pink sky illustration from Bijutsu Sekai (1893-1896) by Watanabe Seitei, a prominent Kacho-ga artist.” (credit below)

claim. imagine. create.

Being an original human or creative of any kind means you dream big, fall hard, re-imagine the future, see what others do not, feel what others dare not. You know that life, for all its mystery, joy, and pain is an astonishing gift to be lived as fully as possible.

The vision at BIG WINGS was designed specifically to celebrate and address the needs, longings, aspirations, and inspirations of people like you. Claiming, Imagining, Creating yourself and your world. Knowing that at the heart of every longing is a need for something more, something greater, something beautiful, something richer, fuller, deeper.

In harmony with the late mythologist Joseph Campbell, I feel that although we so often claim we are seeking meaning in life, I wonder if that’s really what we are seeking. It seems to me that what we are really seeking is the experience of being alive

What is life without aliveness? In what ways might we open ourselves to more of it; those experiences that inspire, arrest, animate, arouse, embolden, energize, stir and move us, awaken our potential and, undeniably, our possibility?

Resources to amplify Aliveness

“Pink sky illustration from Bijutsu Sekai (1893-1896) by Watanabe Seitei, a prominent Kacho-ga artist. Digitally enhanced from our own original edition.” by Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit